Results for: North Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Transportation
  • North Vancouver, BC, Canada

  1. Assists seniors who are in general good health, but require help with daily tasks to maintain their independence and stay connected with their community. Services include grocery shopping, friendly visiting, light housekeeping, and transportation to medical ap...
  2. Offers a variety of services to ensure people with disabilities, seniors, and new immigrants are comfortable and confident when using public transit. Provides practice training sessions at the Vancouver Transit Centre on how to board and exit a bus using a mob...
  3. In partnership with SUCCESS, assists seniors who are in general good health, but require help with daily tasks to maintain independent living within their home and community as long as possible. Services may include grocery shopping, transportation to appointm...
  4. The Bus Pass Program provides bus passes to eligible seniors and Persons with Disabilities (PWD). Passes can be used in communities served by BC Transit or TransLink; HandyDart is not included. Low-Income Seniors pay a $45 non-refundable annual fee and must me...
  5. Provides transportation to medical and non-medical appointments such as shopping and social excursions for anyone in North Okanagan area. Services include assistance with vehicle entry/exit, and space for a personal attendant. Can accommodate a walker, wheelch...
  6. 671.15KM
    Online platform crowdfunds flights via donations of travel loyalty points to help those in need. Serves people who are dealing with a life-threatening illness or people trying to visit a loved one who is critically ill or in palliative care. Applicants submit ...